Monday, February 16, 2009

Two of my Most FAVORITE things!

The "Week-end Bear" Beary
 and Red Thing! 

     Back in kindergarten, I got to take home and write a book about my adventures with the Week-end Bear.  By Monday, I had to have my own
 bear - so we went and found his twin at Wal-Mart and Beary has been with us ever since!  Here is Beary's favorite spot to sleep - right by my bed in my nightstand drawer!
     Next, is my very MOST FAVORITE thing (shhhh! don't tell Beary!)  "RED THING"  He came into my life when I was a  baby as my bumper pad.  I got use to holding and snuggling with this every night.  As I got older - my mom cut him into several pieces for better holding.  I have clothes, coats - even a costume for Red Thing.  One time, I even lost him at Wal-Mart; but some friends found him on a shelf and brought him home!  They just knew who Red Thing
 belonged too!  Red Thing is going to go to college with me - he's already a Red Raider fan and has TTU clothes.  I love my Red Thing and Beary!  These are two of my most favorite things!


Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

i remember the week-end bear i loved him

Caitlin said...

Red thing...that poor thing has been through so much.
Caitlin with a "C"