Friday, February 27, 2009

I love Grace!

I like to make Grace laugh and smile.  She has 4 teeth!  She makes me laugh and smile too.  I love Grace!  She's my cousin!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Two of my Most FAVORITE things!

The "Week-end Bear" Beary
 and Red Thing! 

     Back in kindergarten, I got to take home and write a book about my adventures with the Week-end Bear.  By Monday, I had to have my own
 bear - so we went and found his twin at Wal-Mart and Beary has been with us ever since!  Here is Beary's favorite spot to sleep - right by my bed in my nightstand drawer!
     Next, is my very MOST FAVORITE thing (shhhh! don't tell Beary!)  "RED THING"  He came into my life when I was a  baby as my bumper pad.  I got use to holding and snuggling with this every night.  As I got older - my mom cut him into several pieces for better holding.  I have clothes, coats - even a costume for Red Thing.  One time, I even lost him at Wal-Mart; but some friends found him on a shelf and brought him home!  They just knew who Red Thing
 belonged too!  Red Thing is going to go to college with me - he's already a Red Raider fan and has TTU clothes.  I love my Red Thing and Beary!  These are two of my most favorite things!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine Party

Here are some pictures from my Valentine Party in Miss Stewart's room.  We had fun.  My mom made bags and I filled them with candy to give to all of my friends.  We drank red "Love" juice and had cookies, cupcakes and candy!  We all had a great time!  
Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Playing with cousins and the wii

This weekend, I played with my cousins and on a Wii fit board. This was something new. We don't have a Wii board - but now I want one! I ran a looooong time following my guide on the Wii. I tried to skateboard, walk a tightrope and I even tried to snow ski! We all had fun!